Product conforms to standard EN 13697-2015
Normal Soiling : Use BCS-A1 20-30ml in one liter of water. Spray diluted solution of BCS-A1 on taps, fixtures, shower, glass panels. Scrub with white scotch brite pad and rinse with water to get a fresh clean bathroom.
Heavy Soiling : Use undiluted BCS-A1 to remove old hard water stains from taps, glass panels, toilet bowl, tiles. Daily use of BCS-A1 in diluted form will remove hard water stains, soap scum and will keep the fixtures shining.
For Stubborn Stains : Use undiluted BCS-A1 keep for 5-10 minutes. Scrub with white scotch brite pad and rinse with water. For everyday use, BCS-A1 can be used in a diluted form, using spray and wipe method.
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